Shad14 Twister - Nico Special

Shad14 Twister - Nico Special

52,00 DKK 65,00 DKK

List price 65,00 DKK

Model/Product no.: Shad14T-NicoSpecial
Stock status: In stock

Shad14 Twister


Shad14 Twister is a Shad14 but with a curly tail.


It is developed to catch the predatory fish that just need to be triggered a little extra to bite.


This lure has been shown to be good for many species and it is not uncommon for cod to bite. Anglers streetfishing inside Copenhagen often reports back with catches on Shad14 Twister.


Originally, however, the bait was developed for pike fishing and has already been catching many and large pike. 

As this is a handmade product, minor variations may occur. There may be a slight delay in delivery as certain lures are made to order.